- There is no upper age limit for apprentices. Anyone from 16 and above can be registered as an apprentice.
- Employees who have been to university (graduates) can also be registered as an apprentice since May 2017.
- The employer has had full control of the apprenticeships since May 2017. From cost, delivery method and the overall structure of the course.
- No more NVQs and tick box exercises in apprenticeships. Employers wrote the Trailblazer standards from each sector. So it is very relevant!
- By carefully using the levy and its monthly utilisation, organisations can run their entire training department at a fraction of the training budget or sometimes zero budget.
- Employers can demand help with recruitment from their training providers, thus reducing your recruitment cost.
- For every employed apprentice aged between 16-18, the employer gets paid £1,000/apprentice.
- By using apprenticeships as a platform, businesses can achieve the requirements (qualifications) for chartered status with zero investment.
- There are apprenticeship courses for almost all the job types within a typical business.
- All existing internal training courses, including induction and onboarding training, can be factored into the apprenticeships programme. Thereby not duplicating learning.

Posted on Sun, 08/11/2020